Thursday 5 February 2015


Once again it is the Daily Mail, in reality the only popular newspaper which would give a foreigner some idea about everyday life in the UK, that publishes full details of council and police complicity in Pakistani sex gang abuses.
The strength of self censorship and fear of being labelled 'racist' in the UK can be heard here: 

In a 3 minute interview with the BBC, Louise Casey, the chief author of the report which condemns Rotherham Council and Police, does not mention the word 'Pakistani' once. When asked why local authorities so failed, she can only manage a vague and coded *an issue of not being comfortable dealing with race and ethnicity*. 

In the same way as politicians and media were so reluctant to use the word Asian and then even more reluctant to use the words Muslim and Pakistani, the identity of the abuser group is generalized out of existence. Worse still, local institutional failings are explained by reference to a supposed lack of familiarity with race, rather than by a preoccupation with race and by reference to the corrupting effect of a fanatical anti racist ideology which over decades meant that police and council members and employees did nothing to stop the enslavement of thousands of white children.

Not an old story but an ongoing phenomenon all over Britain despite mass media attention and criminal convictions. White child sex slaves, Pakistani Muslim Sex Gangs, complicit councils and state institutions. Driven by an unwillingness to offend Pakistani voters, and by an ideology of anti-racism which demands that selected ethnic minorities should be thought of as victims and never abusers in minority-white relations, local democracy leaves no consideration for the human rights of non-Pakistanis, and the government mandated solution is dictatorship.

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